Monday, January 19, 2009

Hanging out in Missouri

Okay, here goes, never did this before, but I want to be able to talk to my daughter away at college in Norway, Lindsey can you see me? I will add pics as soon as I can figure it out. It seems everyone has a blog, can you imagine little ole me having one? As if anyone is gonna read it! Haha!. Since Lindsey is 7 hours ahead of me in the world of time it's kinda hard to talk to her, plus it seems I'm kinda dumb for Skype, but I'm trying.

I am so jealous that my youngest daughter is seeing beautiful stuff that I never will, I wish I could be with her and go see all the mountains. Hopefully I can someday.

It's always been a dream of mine, as I'm sure with most to see all of this beautiful earth I can see before I get too old to travel. Norway has got to be one of the most beautiful places in the world, a far cry from Missouri! It's been frigid here, one day minus 1 and the next minus 6 degrees, my poor horses! They just put thier butts to the wind and stand strong, that's all they can do. Chama (my horse) has learned that if positions his butt under the overhang of the horse trailer it keeps some of the terrible winds we have had away from him. We have had terrible winds ever since October, and we are quite ready for them to cease. But we do have terrific sunsets, maybe I can find a good one for my blog, I'll try.

I will hunt some pics and get back to you all later. Signing out!

1 comment:

  1. The summer is almost over and has just flown by, mowing season is almost over, looking forward to cool weather, even though this has been a record year for cool summers in Missouri. We're waiting for deer and turkey to come back, they've been gone all summer.
    Mike and I have spent hours cleaning out our woods, cutting, dragging and burning trees and brush. I've had poison ivy almost all of the summer, making me pretty miserable. I'm going to Utah to see my brand new grandbaby soon, then an Antelope hunting trip, so life will be busy until the new year rolls around for me. I like that kind of busy-ness!
